Thursday, June 6, 2013

National Running Day

I follow (stalk) a few running blogs so pretty early yesterday I learned that it was National Running Day.  I had bootcamp in the morning and then crossfit at night so I decided that there was just no way I would get in any type of run.  To be honest I am just kinda over running at this point, not sure if I have just been too tired or what or just no motivation but running is the last thing on my mind right now.  But I figured since I would be doing 2 intense workouts that I wouldn't have to feel guilty for it. Well crossfit had a different plan..... we walked in looked at the board and saw this

WTF I joined crossfit not to run lol!!!  Apparently our trainer heard about the running day too and figured we might as well participate, along with burpees, pull-ups, and 100 sit-ups..... needless to say I am struggling today.

I obviously went out way too hard to start and I felt it in the second and third mile.  That is the one thing about crossfit it def does push you but I learned that in my runs I have to take it easier then the boys running in front of me.  I was happy to get it done since I haven't run actual mileage in about a month so it felt nice to know I haven't totally lost it.
Sadly I must have pulled something in my calve either in the morning or night yesterday so it is super swollen and sore today.  I ended up skipping my bootcamp this morning since even walking is painful but thankfully today we leave for Chicago so I will just get to sit in the car for 6 hours then drink the pain away with my BF's frat brothers!   Have a great weekend everyone!

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